Friday, June 22, 2012

How to gain Self Esteem

For this particular subject I had to REALLY REALLY sit back, pray and meditate about this for a while/years. Many people may not know but I have suffered with low self esteem, especially in my junior high and early college years. Junior high/pre-teen age is the most difficult, awkard stage I think for everybody. There were times where I didn't feel pretty enough, worthy or the ability to do things that "seemed" out of my range. I am not going to sit here and say that I am the most perfect person, big headed or think that I am just DA BOMB.ORG lol (... wellll??.... nah jk!!! hehehe) but these things really help improve to love and appreciate ME... flaws and all! :)

1. GOD.

God has always been my first in EVERYTHING and before EVERYONE my entire life! He has encourage me and given peace through reading his word, prayer time, church sermons and through praise and worship. My mother introduced me to God at a VERY early age. I can still remember sitting in the choir stand when I was about 5 and my mom giving that eye to let me know I need to stay quiet in church or she gon get that belt when I get home! LOL! That had nothing to do with anything lol but it is NOTHING like the love of God!!! : )


I think this one is VERY important next to GOD. If there is someone or something in your life that is breaking you down; it can be a boyfriend, family memeber, friends, or even co-workers YOU NEED TO LET THEM GO OR AVOID THEM ASAP. OUCH! Sounds harsh, but if you sat down and talked to them about what you are feeling and how it is tearing you down and they are still not working at it. Then booboo its tim ta GO! lol Serious though. Make friends who are fun, positive, REAL, and uplifting. This part was really hard for me. I had to ex out a lot of friends and had tough ex boyfriend break ups. At this moment I can recall 3 people in my life that I KNOW without a doubt that I can trust, encourage me on a daily basis, tell me the truth when I need to hear it, BUT still come with open arms no matter what. My circle is very small. But the size of the circle doesn't matter, what matters is the peace within.


One thing in life, you must know is that people will talk about you all day long. Keep in mind, those people that do talk about you... those people are ethier bored with their life, their life SUCKS, or it is something about you that they wish they had but don't. My answer to all those people I heard talking about me (especially my flaws) was: So? and keep it pushing. Gosh, that felt so good to say those times lol!


I have soo many things I disliked about myself growing up! I have a big forehead lmao!, I have too much booty, I have a big smile and big lips hahaha and other things too, (but I don't want to say so yall wont be laughing at me! haha!) but I learned to EMBRACE everything about me! And I have a hubby who tells me I am beautiful everyday and actually in LOVE with my flaws. so that really helped too ;) *that goes with POSTIVE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE* Look in the mirror and tell yourself everyday, if you have to "HOW BEAUTIFUL and UNIQUE I AM!".


If you don't like your hair change it. If you don't like your wardrobe change it. If you don't like that you are over weight CHANGE IT! Do things to make YOU happy. And remember to do it for YOU, not for anyone else.

I really hope this helped someone in anyway possible. Remember to always know you are beautiful and special! :)

**For those who have more personal questions or even questions about God that I talk about PLEASE feel free to inbox me.**

God Bless you. ; )

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