Monday, June 25, 2012

My Favorite Deep Conditioner

I deep condition once a week after I have shampooed my hair. I find this works better on clean hair.

1 cup of Suave Professionals Almond and Shea Butter Conditioner
1 tablespoon of Honey
1 tablespoon of Castor Oil

Mix. After applied put a plastic cap on and leave it for at least 30 minutes (longer the better) or leave the cap on and sit under a hooded dryer for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Cold water helps close the hair cuticle and trap in the mositure.

-Honey is a humectant. Humectants have the ability to draw moisture from the air.

-Castor oil Stimulant hair growth, thickens, moisturize, stop dandruff, stop hair fungus and strengthens hair. Castor Oil is very thick. Use sparingly.

I like to do this on fresh shampooed or co washed hair that is still dripping wet. Has great slip and sometimes I detangle my hair with it still in after I let the conditioner penetrate. It leaves my hair feeling SUPER fluffy, moisturized, soft and ready to style :0) Try it out and let me know what you think!

Talk soon.

Friday, June 22, 2012

How to gain Self Esteem

For this particular subject I had to REALLY REALLY sit back, pray and meditate about this for a while/years. Many people may not know but I have suffered with low self esteem, especially in my junior high and early college years. Junior high/pre-teen age is the most difficult, awkard stage I think for everybody. There were times where I didn't feel pretty enough, worthy or the ability to do things that "seemed" out of my range. I am not going to sit here and say that I am the most perfect person, big headed or think that I am just DA BOMB.ORG lol (... wellll??.... nah jk!!! hehehe) but these things really help improve to love and appreciate ME... flaws and all! :)

1. GOD.

God has always been my first in EVERYTHING and before EVERYONE my entire life! He has encourage me and given peace through reading his word, prayer time, church sermons and through praise and worship. My mother introduced me to God at a VERY early age. I can still remember sitting in the choir stand when I was about 5 and my mom giving that eye to let me know I need to stay quiet in church or she gon get that belt when I get home! LOL! That had nothing to do with anything lol but it is NOTHING like the love of God!!! : )


I think this one is VERY important next to GOD. If there is someone or something in your life that is breaking you down; it can be a boyfriend, family memeber, friends, or even co-workers YOU NEED TO LET THEM GO OR AVOID THEM ASAP. OUCH! Sounds harsh, but if you sat down and talked to them about what you are feeling and how it is tearing you down and they are still not working at it. Then booboo its tim ta GO! lol Serious though. Make friends who are fun, positive, REAL, and uplifting. This part was really hard for me. I had to ex out a lot of friends and had tough ex boyfriend break ups. At this moment I can recall 3 people in my life that I KNOW without a doubt that I can trust, encourage me on a daily basis, tell me the truth when I need to hear it, BUT still come with open arms no matter what. My circle is very small. But the size of the circle doesn't matter, what matters is the peace within.


One thing in life, you must know is that people will talk about you all day long. Keep in mind, those people that do talk about you... those people are ethier bored with their life, their life SUCKS, or it is something about you that they wish they had but don't. My answer to all those people I heard talking about me (especially my flaws) was: So? and keep it pushing. Gosh, that felt so good to say those times lol!


I have soo many things I disliked about myself growing up! I have a big forehead lmao!, I have too much booty, I have a big smile and big lips hahaha and other things too, (but I don't want to say so yall wont be laughing at me! haha!) but I learned to EMBRACE everything about me! And I have a hubby who tells me I am beautiful everyday and actually in LOVE with my flaws. so that really helped too ;) *that goes with POSTIVE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE* Look in the mirror and tell yourself everyday, if you have to "HOW BEAUTIFUL and UNIQUE I AM!".


If you don't like your hair change it. If you don't like your wardrobe change it. If you don't like that you are over weight CHANGE IT! Do things to make YOU happy. And remember to do it for YOU, not for anyone else.

I really hope this helped someone in anyway possible. Remember to always know you are beautiful and special! :)

**For those who have more personal questions or even questions about God that I talk about PLEASE feel free to inbox me.**

God Bless you. ; )

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Summer Hair and Mist Spray!

Bonjour! I pray everyone is well! :0) It has been a while and I have been soooo very busy. School, full time job, and planning future things with hubby. I decided to take a moment out of my busy schedule to talk a little about what has been going on with my hair since my last blog!

At the moment, right now my hair is still in that "awkward stage". What I mean by that is, I am now able to grab and twist my hair, but it doesn't have any "hang" still. -_- lol! but hey, I am almost there! whoot whoot! I hate that sooo much though lol. Getting ready for work and everyday all the option I have is doing a curly high puff. I want to rock my curl hair out, but I must admit, I look like toad from Super Mario Bros. hahahahahaha!

I decided to try mini twist. Not only does this give me hair options, but I am creating a protective style which is giving me a chance to stay out of my hair that may cause unnecessary breakage (length retention) and make my hair grow faster. This is my first time rocking them and I must admit, I think I am hooked! they are sooo much more easier to manage in those hot summer morning and last me for the entire week!

Day 6 of my Mini Twist

Summer time is here! And, I realize that I hate heavy creams on my hair in the summer. Every morning with my mini twist I moisture them using my homemade moisture mist spray. it is VERY light yet moisturizing!

1 cup of water
1 cup of aloe vera juice
2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin
1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I don't really use measuring utensils, I just kinda eyeball it. But the key is not too much vegetable glycerin and you should be fine with everything else.

This moisture mist works well. Gives me great shine and leaves my hair feeling soft ALL DAY LONG. Try it out and let me know what you think! :)

Talk soon !

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hair grease on Natural Hair?

I must admit, I really do miss my big chop super short cut. I miss the attention I would get even if was a negative or positive comment from people and even family members, the "OMG you are sooo Brave" phrases, and the easiness (if that is a word lol) of doing my hair everyday, get up and go, and I wouldn't have to spend 45 minutes just to detangle my hair on wash days now that my hair is longer.... ahhh. BUT I must say that I did become frustrated because as my hair was growing from my cut, to this now, "awkward growth" it can get frustrating on hair products to use, since there are soo many out there to chose from.

Alot of naturals, who stamp themselves as NATURAL only use 100% natural products. But have you notice that most natural hair products are sooooo expensive??

Through all this frustration I was having, I had to take a breather and really take it slow to listen to my hair. I decided to test some of these "NON-natural" hair products I use to use back in my relaxed days to give it a test because this sista right heyre aint got money like that lol. 

I really don't like the hair type system with hair because I have soo many textures going on in the mane, but If I was to categorize it, I would have to say that my hair is in between a 3c-4b. And most naturals in this category suffer with frizzy hair! ugh. That word give me the heebie geebies! lol

Shea butter, natural pomade and oils were NOT taming my frizzes long enough and I decided to use HAIR GREASE. YEAH I DID DAT. :D

Let me just say, hair grease as a sealant after moisturizing hair is the BOMB.GOV lol! I love hair grease. Even though hair grease does has petroleum in it which we were told to "stay away from if you are natural" works way better then these natural $15-$30 hair butters/pomades on the market. And hair grease is only about $1-$5 at any local drugstore or grocery store. Very convenient.

Yes I know, Petroleum is said to not be good for natural hair because it causes a barrier over the hair strand which makes moisture hard to enter your hair cuticle to keep you hair moisturized and causes major build up, but honestly once I add moisture to my hair and then add the grease, my hair is frizz free and moisturized for at least a week, which is perfect for me anyway since my hair wash day is in a week. I have tried Shea Butter as a sealant, but my hair just ended up frizzy and dry to the touch the next day.

Now that my hair is about 5 inches long I am able to achieve the twist out game, but would suffer with super frizzy hair and my twist outs wouldn't last long. NOW that I use hair grease as my sealant, my twist out last twice as long! Here is a vid where I got the idea in the first place to even try hair grease, thanks to ladyT101 a Natural hair Youtuber I will never go back... lol I mean of course I would NEVER use hair grease on my scalp and I will follow up with a clarifying shampoo more often than before..... but what do you think??

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Importance of Protective styling for Natural Hair Growth.

As I type this, I am currently wearing a protective style. I am wearing two strand twist braids with my natural hair, going to leave these twist in for about 2 days, then do a twist out for the next 5 days/until my weekly wash day. This is something new I have added to my hair regimen.
The season has change, and now it is getting hot yall! Go Cali! :D ..... BUT! 8-| the thing about me and summer's humidity with natural hair is that my little frizzes on my head wants to show the world they miss us lol

As I do my hair, I wanted to see, what are some ways I can do to my hair that I can just get up, tame the fizz quickly with a moisturizer, go, and leave it ALONE!! lol well... for at least a week until my next wash day.

Protective styling:

So what is a protective style? The clue’s in the title! It is simply a style that protects your hair, specifically the ends from all the breakage causing dangers we face every day. The point of them is  to keep the moisture in your strands where it belongs by keeping the ends intact.

Your hair ends are the most oldest and driest so they are easy to break off. That is way most black women hair doesn't grow a certain length because we don't protect them well enough. << Just corrected this myth. So yes, black women hair GROWS and grows long! And I think I said it well if I might say so myself .*proud face*

There are soooo many..... and I mean SOOOO MANY ways to wear protective styles. Here are a few tutorials on YouTube I thought were great.

The best tips to take with you on your way to beautiful LONG hair (if you are all about length) is protecting those ends by tucking them away, keep them moisturized, and leave them ALONE. No matter if you are all natural, transitioning, or relaxed. You will find out to know you will have long healthy hair in no time! Happy hair growth! :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Boyfriend Hates Natural Hair!

I ran across this video and was cracking up! Yet, here are some informative tips on how to encourage him to accept it. enjoy! : )

What is "Co-Washing"?

Being natural, there are days when I feel my hair and look in the mirror and find myself saying.... "UGH" lol. Yes.... I have VERY bad hair days sometimes....
.....and that is normal. You want to have bad hair days so you can know what works for you, that is part of your journey. Most of the times of my "bad hair day sessions" are usually because my hair feels and looks dry, frizzy and tangled. Or, it may feel and look sticky and greasy. Usually this happens when I become lazy with my hair and find it looking a hot mess lol. When I have those hair moments when I just need a refresh start without having to do the shampoo process all over again, I like to co wash my hair.

Co-Washing/Conditioner Wash, is basically washing your hair the same way you would do with shampoo. It is a more moisturizing and refreshing way to restart your hair without having to add drying shampoos. Some naturals substitute shampoo wash all together with co washing and find that they have more softer and manageable, and curly hair. This is called the "no poo" or "curly girl method". I know, you are probably saying... EWWW! No shampoo wash at all.... EVER??! That is gross. It "sounds" gross, but co-washing is cleaning your hair too.... well..... let's just say.... a real low clean.

The way co washing method is the motion of your finger tips rubbing the conditioner on your scalp, which is releasing dirt and oil, at the same time moisturizing your hair with the conditioning elements inside the conditioner. Usually when you are washing your hair, you are using warm water, and warm water helps as well with releasing oils, dirt and bacteria. Now let me just say, even though co washing does NOT completely strip your hair down like a shampoo would, but when you think about it, we need to keep somewhat of the moisture in our hair to keep it moisturized right? Why do you have to strip is down??

Either way it goes, you shouldn't just knock it before you try it. You never know what treat you may be feeding off to your hair. Treat her good girl, she deserve it! :D

**Tip: What I like to do to get a extra boost in co washing is before I shower, I add my conditioner in my hair and work it in my scalp gently. ( I like to use a LOT of conditioner lol. Saturate honey!! :D) I leave the conditioner in my hair and start to do my shower thing for about 8 minutes and THEN rinse it out. The steam from the shower helps penetrate the moisture in my hair.